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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 6AM  CBS  January 9, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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prevent the infections completely it can make it less severe. >> in california we are seeing regional flu activity, one outbreak area is the bay area. two people in the state died because of flu complications. the good news is the vaccine is a good match for the current strains but doctors are recommending if you are going to get the shot, you might want to get it soon because it takes two weeks to take effect. cate caugiran, cbs 5. the water is back on at a bay area hospital. alta bates medical center in oakland declared a "code dry" for the building yesterday afternoon. the hospital halted almost all water use. during the time, all surgeries were on hold and no one could flush toilets or turn on any taps or drinking fountains. the problem: a plumbing failure. the "code dry" lasted for about four hours. repairs are under way at the
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oakland unified school district headquarters which got flooded. someone left a tap open in a custodian's closet all night. the water damaged every floor in the building. staff will work out of another building during the clean-up. san jose investigators are looking into the cause of a garage fire in the city's alone in a park area. it was record about 7:30 last night at a home near taylor and 15th. neighbors thought someone was in the garage but that was not the case. no one was injured but the garage, three cars and a boat were destroyed. the continental united states 2012 was the hottest year on record. that's according to the government's scientists. the average temperature, 55.3 degrees, breaking the old record set in 1998 by a degree. but you have a hard time convincing me of that today. it's cold. >> it's a little chilly. it's going to get cold enough that we could see some snow by tomorrow. temperatures likely to get out of the 40s in some parts of the bay area. we have a big chill coming our
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way, buy changes in the weather. a cold front dives into california. cloudy and showers up toward crescent city and eureka. patchy, dense fog early on this morning and a dense fog advisory in the east bay valleys until 9 a.m. visibilities there a quarter mile or less in spots. so be very careful traveling in those areas for this morning. as you look outside right now, a little hazy over the bay. the temperatures chilly in spots. especially inland. we are seeing 40 degrees in concord. 39 in santa rosa. and 38 degrees in livermore. 47 in san francisco. by the afternoon, well, the changes begin. the clouds will be moving in. and it looks like a chance of showers and the temperatures are going to start to take a nosedive the beginning of much cooler weather, as much as 3 to 8 degrees cooler today. tomorrow even a lot colder than that, maybe some snow, elizabeth, down to 1500 feet. >> hopefully enjoy the 60s we saw yesterday. outside now no hot spots. but we are dealing with a
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couple of problems on the road including this one right now in livermore. westbound 580 at north livermore avenue there are still three cars. they drove over debris an hour ago and are still off the right- hand shoulder because they ran over whatever it was in the road and now have flat tires. delays behind that earlier problem for much of the morning since then. past that things look good toward the dublin interchange but still slow as far as the drive time goes in the yellow, 22 minutes right now between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. one northbound train caltrain was delayed only about 10 minutes earlier this morning. everything else mass transit is roaring no delays including bart systemwide on time. ace trains one and three and all your ferries good to go. drive times in the clear except for that westbound 580 ride because that problem in livermore, otherwise the nimitz, 24 through the
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caldecott tunnel and the eastshore freeway looks good. bay bridge toll plaza still metering lights off. delays now in the outer cash lanes but this is usually the pattern we see starting to form this time of the morning right before they switch those metering lights on. back to you guys. a man sitting in his apartment found himself in a life-and-death struggle with a burglar at an apartment complex in pittsburg where when it was all over, the burglar was dead. police spent 12 hours processing the crime scene. it started at 10:30 yesterday morning. someone was trying to break in so the homeowner went for his firearm. >> he went back to his bedroom and retrieved a loaded firearm. by the time he made it back to the front door, the suspect is inside the home and there is a confrontation. >> there was a fight between the homeowner and the 54-year- old intruder who carried a replica gun and both men lost their weapons. that's when a homeowner grabbed
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the knife and stabbed the burglar. that prowler had a long rap sheet including burglaries. police are questioning two other people who may have been involved. gun control talks continue to heat up in our nation's capital. vice president joe biden will host a meeting with cabinet members and senior staff to discuss different gun control policies to pursue when congress reconvenes next week. biden also plans to meet with the nra. former congresswoman gabrielle giffords launched a political action committee to pursue gun control legislation. former new mexico governor bill richardson says his delegation is pressing north korea to adhere to a moratorium on missile launches and nuclear tests. the group is also calling for the country to allow more cell phones and open internet for citizens and they have asked for fair and humane treatment for an american citizen held in north korea. tennessee senator bob corker says he expects secretary of state hillary clinton to testify january 22nd
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regarding last september's attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. secretary clinton had been scheduled to testify earlier but that of course postponed because of health problems. u.s. troops are scheduled to pull out of afghanistan in december of 2014. but the number of troops to remain to help the country stay safe is still under debate. there's the possibility that the united states will pull out all troops next year. afghan president hamid karzai will meet with president obama at the white house on friday. wedding bells will soon be ringing for same-sex couples at a historic church in washington, d.c. cathedral officials say the washington national cathedral will be among the first episcopal congregations to implement a new rite of marriage for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. they will announce the new policy today. the cathedral has been used for presidential inaugural prayer services and state funerals for president reagan and president
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ford. sciences that congress needs some pr help when your approval rating is lower than roaches. >> pathetic. the polls say the replacement rest of did a better job than congress. they were asked to compare their favorability with others. they are more popular than genghis kahn. >> what's wrong with nickelbacks? >> they can only go up from 9%. time now 6:08. he is accused of trying to poison his girlfriend. >> so why will a san rafael manscape prosecution? >> also ahead, just your presence will scare the seagulls away. >> call them dumpster defenders.
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how a bay area city is keeping gulls away from garbage. >> and lit up like matchsticks. wildfires rage across australia in the searing heat. le have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. that is tough when wet. (peggy) grab viva, and break the rules on all your tough messes.
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look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer
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] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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[ telephone rings ] good evening this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. but about two hundred wildfires continue to burn across the country. survivors are telling stories of the record temperatures in australia with 200 wildfires burning in the country. survivors are telling stories of swirling flames, toxic fumes and desperate escapes for folks. no deaths have been reported from the fires. but about 100 people are unaccounted for in one area. officials think they may have failed to check in. temperatures about 130 in some areas. let's check the roads. >> okay, liz, take it away. >> and if you are heading towards vallejo, we have a new accident just reported.
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we just got word from chp it's eastbound 37 root there approaching highway 121. so we're not sure at this point about lanes blocked. we think a lane is blocked. we are not seeing huge delays on the sensors. we'll let you know if that changes. in the meantime, here's a live look outside. this is the nimitz. 880 in oakland, this is moving fine all morning. roadwork towards 980, for the most part that's been completely picked up. both directions free and clear. the south bay is moving okay. we had that one earlier accident south san jose approaching blossom hill road. got word all lanes are back open. tow crews for a while had to block one lane after a car ran off the road and into a ditch. so fog is also an issue this morning in a couple of our traffic cameras. wanted to show you towards the dublin interchange, you can see a few headlights there but visibility is going to be an issue. there was also an earlier problem in livermore where cars ran over some debris in the road causing flat tires. mass transit is now all on time. earlier caltrain was reporting
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one of their northbound trains was 10 minutes behind schedule. no longer the case. it arrived in san francisco. so so now no delay for bart, ace, muni, caltrain and ferries. we'll take a quick look at the south bay. we showed you the live drive time map. this is a live look near the mckee exit. 101 is moving fine. 101 and 280 are both so far moving at the limit. that is a check of your "timesaver traffic." for more on your forecast, it's all about how low we're going with the temperatures. >> cold temperatures, in fact dry commute this morning. by the afternoon could be wet. big changes coming up as it looks like high pressure is going to be moving out of the way today. starting with plenty of clouds early on and dense fog in the valleys. a dense fog advisory in the east bay valleys cooler this afternoon with a chance of showers developing and staying unsettled. and yes, some very low snow levels down to about 1500 feet as we head in toward tomorrow morning. cold front making its way into far northern california already beginning to see some showers toward eureka and crest on the city. that is going to slowly work
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its way down across the rest of the bay area today. then with it you have all that cold air just plunging from the gulf of alaska. really going to drop those temperatures. tomorrow we struggle to get out of the 40s boy tomorrow afternoon. let's see if we can time this out. a lot of clouds out there now will be on the increase throughout the day. chance of showers in the north bay early afternoon. and then as we head throughout the evening hours, it looks like the shores becoming more widespread a little bit further to the south. and behind that cold front, you have all that cold air that will be dropping in and that's when we'll see those low snow levels toward tomorrow morning, although it is going to be very sporadic outside. i think as you head around the state today, not bad, although you will see showers north to ukiah, eureka, scattered showers there. around the bay cooler temperatures, as much as 3 to 8 degrees cooler than yesterday. 56 degrees in livermore and cloudy with showers possible this afternoon. 55 degrees in san francisco and 53 in san rafael. the next couple of days a little bit unsettled and
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possibly wet into tomorrow morning. then very cold temperatures toward tomorrow afternoon. staying chilly on friday, as well. partly cloudy, possibly unsettled over the weekend too. that is a look at weather, guys. back to you. >> all right, lawrence. thank you. comedian katt williams is under arrest this morning in l.a. according to tmz, police took him into custody outside of his home on an outstanding warrant from sacramento county. this was for failing to show up yesterday on a joyriding charge. booking records confirmed the arrest. williams is supposed to appear in yolo county today for an assault charge involving a target store clerk. prosecutors announced they won't file charges against a man who gave his girlfriend water spiked with chlorine. police arrested robert lockridge last fall at a nursing home. he told officers he bought the water online where it was sold as an alternative health product. the public defender says it was simply a misunderstanding. 6:16. a volunteer effort helped keep the look its from going out at vallejo high school over the
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holidays. in recent years copper thieves have hit the school district over the christmas break when the schools were empty but this time, members of the site safety team were on patrol, some working on christmas day. and two of them caught a suspect. >> trying to grab some copper, be prepared to be caught. >> if you do, then you have to deal with the site of safety team. >> we got him cornered and the police department arrested had i am. >> the 29-year-old man is under arrest on various charges. call them reinforcements. when the seagull problem at the san francisco dump was too much, recology called in sky and ground patrols. the birds scoop up trash at recology san francisco. well, falcons have been pressed into service. their mission, to keep the seagulls back from coming in the buildings and interfering with equipment operators. theyance to the so-called
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birdman of recology. >> it works well. just their presence scares the seagulls away. >> the birdman says the intention is not to harm them, just to keep the gulls back. he weighs the falcons every day to be sure they are not preying on the seagulls. but they scatter when the falcons come around. >> absolutely. san francisco's muni transit system will likely reduce service again for the holidays in december this year. ridership is historically low that time of year so last month some service began later ended early on certain days. the agency says it saved about $275,000, as well. it is 6:18 right now. judgment day. does barry bonds belong in the hall of name is. >> we are going to find out. could call and stanford's game, we'll light it up. >> what's cool about your school? submit your nomination on our website, we may come out and feature your school right here on our show.
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starting out with more clouds around the bay area, thick fog in the east bay valleys. temperatures in the 30s and 40s right now. plus, a chance for rain on the way. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and we are watching a couple of different accidents out there. but our biggest new traffic news is the metering lights are just turned on over at the bay bridge so starting to stack up in all lanes beyond the first overcrossing. golden gate and san mateo bridge flowing nicely. full look at your "timesaver traffic" coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you. if steroids weren't an issue barry bonds would be a sure bet to be named to the baseball hall of fame today. but his first ballot selection is in question because of performance-enhancing drugs. recognition for roger clemens and sammy sosa is also in
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question because of steroids. about 600 people are deciding on the new members. and their decision will come at 11 a.m. there is a chance no one will be elected this year so we'll have to see. well, an olympic star who will compete for cal next season returned to competitive swimming for the first time since winning a number of gold medals in london. by the way, this was her high school team. >> i'm so nervous. i have no idea -- i was literally like intensely shaking in the locker room and all my teammates are like, what's wrong with you? >> no kidding. you're world class in high school! that's missy franklin. she won both her races in colorado yesterday. the 17-year-old snagged four gold medals in the 2012 olympics and she will be a golden bear in the fall. colorado gal. >> can you imagine at that meet, her opponents? >> they are like, are you kidding me? why are you nervous? >> no kidding. >> a star. the stanford women, they haven't lost a pac-12 game since 2009 when cal beat them. >> yeah. 80 games later the 12-0 bears
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seem primed to do it again. they are good this year and lindsey gottlieb's cal team off to the best start in the program's history. clarendon's shot ised goo. the is good. they were ahead at the half. the hook in the lane to give stanford the 10-point lead. stanford is king. they win again beating cal 62- 53. >> play of the day college basketball. it's the men's turn. ohio state sam thompson goes airborne with an impressive baseline jam. here he comes to the corner takes it home and boom, snags it. the replay is even better. this is the good angle. buckeyes beat purdue in chicago 74-64. it's 6:24 right now. when we come back, some breaking news from new york. a ferry accident injures at least a dozen people. we are going live to manhattan.
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>> plus, 27 seconds of terror. a court hears heart-wrenching 911 calls from the colorado movie theater massacre coming up. >> and we have new information this morning on the investigation into the oil tanker that scraped the bay bridge earlier this week. the details next.
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at the moment, we have kind of we might call it a rogue virus out there. >> a nasty flu season off to an early and aggressive start. >> i don't think you can go through a career without having some interaction with the bottom or another vessel. >> new details about the bay bridge crash and the man at the helm. >> a man sitting in his apartment found himself in a
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life-and-death struggle with a burglar. >> it began as a break-in at this pittsburg apartment and ended in bloodshed. >> crime is spiraling out of control slowly but surely. >> someone broke into a bay area museum and they made off with a fortune. and it all happened in less than a minute. so far, it has not been a good week for the 787. >> we have to make sure that the system continues to work. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "eyewitness news this morning." >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald and good morning, everyone. it's wednesday january 9. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm michelle griego. time now 6:29. we're following breaking news right now out of new york. we are going to take some live pictures right now from lower manhattan. at least a dozen people are injured after a commuter ferry accident. you can see emergency crews on the ground there and some
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people on gurneys. it's unclear at this point exactly what happened. but according to early reports, there was some kind of hard landing. of course, you know, we're watching basically this triage center here where a lot of people are on the ground or on the gurneys being loaded up into the ambulances and they are transporting these victims to the hospital. >> it doesn't appear anyone fell into the water. this hard landing, you know, you don't expect it. people fell. that sort of thing. so probably a lot of bumps and bruises, maybe a broken bone or two but we are going to stay on top of the story and we'll have updates as soon as we get them. pretty serious story right now in more coming up. the overseas reymar is anchored off treasure island and that's where cbs 5 reporter anne makovec has been all morning long and she joins us now with the very latest. good morning, anne. >> reporter: good morning. this new information is going to be a big part of this investigation. turns out the coast guard
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vessel traffic service did send a warning to the pilot of that ship just before it scraped the bay bridge on monday morning. the overseas reymar has been here ever since. now, according to state records, the captain of that ship guy kleess was involved in three previous scrapes in his career. they were all minor. a ship grounded in 2009 in the sacramento river, then damaged a boat in stockton and then hit the bottom of a -- when he was supervising a trainee he hit the bottom of the richmond bay in 2010. and that is although out of more than 1100 trips that the captain has piloted. >> i don't think you can go through a career without having some interaction with the bottom or other vessels. >> reporter: now, the captain did pass an alcohol test. we are still waiting for word
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on that drug test. he is on paid administrative leave as this investigation continues. live on treasure island, anne makovec, cbs 5. a valuable artifact stolen from the oakland museum and this morning a reward will be announced for its safe return. police say a thief broke into the museum monday and took off with a historic gold box worth more than $800,000. oakland police and mayor jean quan will join museum officials to announce the reward at 9:30 this morning. this is the second time in two months someone broke into the museum. flu season is off to a quick start in the united states and health experts are concerned it could be especially bad this year. cbs 5's cate caugiran joins us now from san francisco with more on the flu situation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, frank. yes, hospitals in our area are already seeing a slight increase in flu cases from last year. and yes, it may be too early to say, but doctors believe that this flu season could be uglier
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than normal. now, flu season or flu cases typically peak in about february or mid-february but the situation is already bad in some cities like chicago. some hospitals are so overrun with flu cases, patients are turned away from emergency rooms. doctors say one likely reason is the current vaccine does not work against one of the flu strains making the rounds. >> at the moment, we have kind of we might call it a rogue virus out there causing about 10% of the cases. >> reporter: still, most doctors do recommend the vaccine to prevent other strains. in california, experts say there are scattered outbreaks including here in the bay area. they expect the cases to increase in the coming weeks. now, 41 states have already reported widespread flu activity. and they say that two people in california have already died from flu-related complications. reporting live in san francisco, cate caugiran, cbs 5. all right, cate, thank you. the water is back on at a
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bay area hospital disrupted by a pipe problem. alta bates medical center in oakland declared a "code dry" for the building yesterday afternoon meaning the hospital halted almost all water use. during that time, all surgeries were put on hold and no one could flush toilets or turn on any taps or drinking fountains. the problem, a plumbing failure. the "code dry" lasted more than 4 hours. on the bay area watch this morning, one of the suspects in the murder of a south bay millionaire will be in court this afternoon. three men are charged with killing ravi kumra in his monte sereno mansion in november. they could get the death penalty if convicted. san jose investigators are looking into the cause of a garage fire in the city's luna park area. it was reported about 7:30 last night at a home near east taylor and north 15th street. neighbors initially feared someone might have been in the garage but that was not the case. no one was injured. but the garage, three cars and a boat were all destroyed. how would you like a little snow on mount hamilton and
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mount diablo this week? >> i'd like to see a little snow. i wouldn't mind that. >> it's a possibility, right? >> yeah. i think i by tomorrow morning, we'll see some of that snow down to 1500 feet and that's very le for the bay area. but indeed it looks like cold weather moving in. we have dense fog in the valleys again this morning. a dense fog advisory in the east bay valleys but big changes coming our way. look at that cold front diving into california. already seeing some showers showing up in the far northern reaches of the state. and by the afternoon, we could see some of those showers right here in the bay area. that dense fog advisory in effect until 9:00 in the morning. some of the visibilities about a quart mile or less into the east bay valleys. hazy out over the bay right now. a lot of clouds moving in overhead, as well. the temperatures in the 30s and also the 40s. by the afternoon, i think a chance of rain developing outside. and these temperatures are going to be much cooler. yesterday we had some highs in the 50s even some mid-70s into oakland. today about 3 to 8 degrees cooler and a chance of showers tomorrow. struggling to get out of the 40s in many spots and maybe
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some snow. we'll have more weather coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> seat warmers this morning! all right. thank you, lawrence. we have got updated information about this problem spot we have been following. it's a new direction, westbound 37 approaching 121. so the delays are heading out of vallejo towards marin county and you can see we actually are seeing changing color on our sensors. there are a few brake lights across that stretch, tight squeeze anyway. for a while one lane was block. now it's off to the right-hand shoulder. but it doesn't take much to slow down the commute in that area. elsewhere, westbound 580 look at this. fog. this is what lawrence was telling you about in the east bay valleys, a lot of spots, a lot of our traffic cameras in the east bay showing the fog. you can really see it pretty thick as you approach the dublin interchange. also, got some good sized delays, 24 minutes now between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. so just kind of your usual stop and go from 205 out towards 680. quick look at the bay bridge. metering lights have been on since shortly after 6:00. we are stacking up about a 10- to 15-minute wait to get on the
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bay bridge span. that is traffic. back to you guys. >> thank you. there morning, the vice president is talking about ways to curb gun violence. joe biden is meeting with victim groups and gun safety organizations to discuss gun control policy plans in the wake of the newtown shooting. tomorrow biden will meet with the national rifle association and other gun owner groups. the president wants biden to hear about those policy plans by the end of the month. the prosecution's final witness is set to resume his testimony today at a hearing to determine if the colorado theater shooting suspect should stand trial. yesterday, the fbi agent testified that james holmes rigged his apartment with explosives and trip wires and then programmed a stereo to play loud music hoping to attract attention. the investigator said a thermos of explosives was set up to spill into a frying pan containing another chemical that would then start a fire. holmes appeared without emotions at the hearing. a woman whose husband was killed in the shooting believes
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holmes's demeanor is all an act. >> he is faking it. i think he's in shock. i think he wants to stick to it because he knows what he's done. >> holds is accused of murdering -- holmes is accused of murdering 12 people and injuring 70 in the massacre. prosecutors are trying to prove it was premeditated. coming up, diet soda danger. why the drink is being linked now to depression. >> plus, mysterious and mystical no more. captured on video for the first time ever. >> and the market opened 10 minutes ago. a quick peek at the early numbers on wall street and they look fabulous! we'll crunch the numbers with kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks coming up. >> and we continue to follow the breaking news right out of new york city. a ferry accident has injured more than a dozen people. we'll have more after the break.
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[ crickets chirping ] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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york: these are live pictures from lower manhattan, where - just a couple minutes the fire department we are continuing to follow breaking news from new york. these are live pictures from lower manhattan right now where just a short time ago, the fire department updated us on the number of victims from this commuter ferry accident. they are saying now that 17 people are being evaluated for possible injuries. you can see this makeshift triage center here where a lot of emergency crews are on the ground tending to some of those victims. some of them have been placed on gurneys put into emergency vehicles and taken to the hospital. we have also learned more about what happened. it turns out the boat struck a dock. you can see emergency crews on the scene right now. we're also hearing reports there was a 6-foot gash in the front corner of the boat. and that it was probably going at a good speed.
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>> hundreds of people are on this commuter ferry. some broken bones probably, bumps, bruises, 17 people. snow in the bay area. and we are checking on conditions in new york. doesn't look like weather is a factor. dense fog in the valleys and a dense fog advisory there. visibility less than a quarter mile. cooler this afternoon with scattered showers outside. we have a cold front sliding into town. then staying unsettled into tomorrow morning with the possibility of snow down to about 15-feet. at least in the north bay. as you look, you see high pressure beginning to slide
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out. this system making its way out of the gulf of alaska with cold air making for chilly temperatures in the bay area this afternoon and tomorrow. we'll struggle to get out of the 40s in many spots. so a chilly day indeed. the chance of some low snowflakes, as well. wouldn't that be nice to see a nice dusting over the mountaintops? futurecast showing clouds early on today. they will thicken up in the afternoon and by about 2:00 some scattered showers in parts of the north bay sliding into the south throughout the day so the commute this afternoon may be a little bit wet. then get behind that cold front, and that's where we have all that cold air and that cold air is what could cause some snow to drop over the mountaintops to some unusually low levels. no delays just yet at sfo although we could see some delays with the chance of showers as we head in toward the afternoon. around the state, you will see about 70 degrees with the possibility of some thunderstorms in houston. 61 should be dry in denver. 46 degrees in chicago. and partly cloudy and 52 in new york. around the bay today we'll see highs only in the 50s so three to 8 degrees cooler than yesterday and chance of showers
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by the afternoon. staying unsettled into tomorrow morning and then a cool brisk day around the bay area with highs only in the 40s and low 50s. friday cool and dry partly cloudy possibly unsettled into the weekend. let's check the roads with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. things are quieting down now as far as our incidents go. no delays that we used to at least in sonoma county. our sensors turned back to green on westbound highway 37 approaching 121 where we had that accident. it was blocking one lane for a while. it's on the right-hand shoulder. things look great now heading out of vallejo toward marin county. westbound 237, we are starting to see a few brake lights now. so this is the silicon valley commute. this is near 880/237. so it looks like this kind of is slow and go towards zanker road. your drive time is in the yellow, as well. golden gate bridge we had some areas of overnight roadwork across the span. but obviously, that is all now free and clear. so everything is pretty quiet now across that stretch as you
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head towards doyle drive. headlights are moving southbound towards the pay gates. westbound 580 this has been a slow spot since early this morning in livermore approaching north livermore avenue early this morning. some cars ran over some debris in the road. the debris is gone and now those cars that ended up with flat tires are gone as well so everything is seeing your usual commuter traffic stop and go from 205. 25 minutes now out towards 680 and the dublin interchange. mass transit nice start no delays for pretty much anything. lawrence mentioned it could be a wet evening commute. so if you want to avoid that, bart systemwide on time. ace looks good. ferries, caltrain. coming up a last check of the bay bridge. back to you guys. >> thank you. apple has a plan for appealing to customers who think the iphone costs too much. and here now to chat about that and more kcbs financial reporter jason brooks on a wednesday. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the iphone still a hot seller but samsung has been padding its lead over apple with its
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lower cost devices especially overseas. and it's been long rumored that apple would come up with a less expensive iphone to compete. the "wall street journal" says that we could see that lower end iphone by the end of the year. one of the keys in lowering the price would be using less expensive materials. in particular, for the body, perhaps relying on polycarbonate plastic rather than aluminous glass as we see in current iphone models. it is expected that samsung will sell about 290 million smartphones this year. apple around 180 million. there is a big deal in the wireless network space that could be under way. sprint already trying to take over clear wire networks. it already owns more than half of the company but dish network is now stepping in and trying to outbid sprint for that network. dish already provides a number of services wants to add voice to that. we'll see if they can possibly get past the offer from sprint which is already accepted by clear wire. the stock market off to a positive start this morning after two negative sessions. getting some help from alcoa which topped earnings
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expectations kicking off the 4th quarter earnings season. expectations are low for earnings overall but the dow now is up by 58 points. the nasdaq is gaining 8. s&p is moving higher by 4 points. alcoa shares are adding 1%. that's helping out the blue chips. frank and michelle, back to you. >> thank you. kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. thank you. your phone is the next target for cyberthieves as more americans use phones as mobile wallets. security experts think that the thieves will zero in on mobile payment systems. hackers can get into phones much like they target computers. so it's a good idea to keep everything password-protected. the list of companies with the worst customer service is now out. four airlines including united, america, delta and u.s. airways ranked low in the american consumer satisfaction index of 2012. comcast and bank of america also made the list. target says it will price match even prices found online. you will have 7 days from when buy it to get the difference.
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but target must still have the item in stock in the same color. mechanical problems continue for boeing's new 787 dreamliner today. an all nippon flight in japan was canceled because of a computer error. it is the third incident in just this week. yesterday a japan airlines jet leaked fuel while taxiing at logan international airport out in boston. it followed an electrical fire on another plane on monday. after passengers disembarked following a flight from tokyo. but cbs aviation analyst captain chesley sullenberger says it is just too soon to judge the new plane. >> no matter how much testing you do, there are some things that, unfortunately, are inevitably discovered during the real world of operational airline flying. >> 787 dreamliner will make its bay area debut friday at san jose's mineta international airport when all nippon airways launches its nonstop services between san jose and tokyo. some new allegations
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against fallen cyclist lance armstrong. the nation's anti-doping agency says one of his spokesmen actually tried to donate a quarter of a million dollars to them. the agency's chief telling "60 minutes" that he was stunned by the offer and they obviously rejected it. the offer came just before the agency launched its investigation against armstrong. armstrong will give an interview to oprah after being stripped of his seven tour de france victories this passes year. her cable tv network says the 90-minute interview will air next thursday. reports came out he was weighing whether to admit using performance-enhancing drugs. he wants to get back and continue racing. a new study links depression to sweetened drinks especially diet soda. researchers fortunate institutes of health -- for the national institutes of health looked at 270,000 people. those who drank more than 4 cups of soda a day were 30%
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more likely to develop depression. scientists say coffee has the opposite effect, 10% less likely to have depression. time now for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs this morning." gayle king joins us from new york a very busy morning for you folks, i bet, gayle. >> reporter: it is indeed, frank and michelle. we have breaking news that we're following here in manhattan. a ferry accident has injured at least 17 people. it turns out a cbs employee was there at the pier when the accident occurred and told us that most of the injuries came from people who were standing on the pier when the boat docked. it hit without warning. we'll have the latest for you on that story at the top of the hour. new jersey governor chris christie will be in studio 57. we'll ask the outspoken governor about gun control. his criticism of congressional republicans over superstorm sandy. and his political future. plus, californians will soon be able to take a look at this face -- be able to meet the giant panda cub at the san diego zoo. but we get to meet hm before he
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makes his public debut. lucky us, lucky you. that and more at 7:00. >> no kidding. thank you, gayle. well, at 6:52 now, a book signing event -- they are a dime a dozen but one local author went to great lengths to be sure his was a little bit different. jamal yogis didn't arrive by limo or ride in a cab. he swam to the book signing from treasure island to the mainland of san francisco. he says he had no concerns in the water but his destination was fearful. >> out there i felt great. it's saul this stuff on land that i still have to worry about. >> well, it all ties in. yogist's book the fear project is a collection of information about fear gathered from various experts on the topic. a florida traffic stop looked like a rodeo over the weekend. that's after an angry bull escaped from his trailer. a deputy's dashcam caught the
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loose bull running an officer down. he survived though with some bruised ribs. plus, bruises on his knee and elbow. take a look at that. a trailer hauling 32 bulls had just blown a tire on the interstate when it hit a fence and some trees. deputies ended up putting the loose bull down. here's a look at something you probably never have seen before. it's video of a living 10-foot- long giant squid. researchers working with japanese network nhk and the discovery channel say it's the first-ever footage of a live giant squid in the pacific ocean. biologists say the squid has suckers lined with sharp teeth and two very long tentacles. the footage is part of an upcoming special monster squid: the giant is real. don't want to encounter that anytime soon. >> calamari! 6:53. we continue to follow breaking news involving a ferry accident in new york. new word that up to 50 people may have been hurt when that ferry hit a dock in lower manhattan. we'll have the latest coming up.
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[ telephone rings ] good evening this is flo. [laughs] yes, i'm that flo. aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. follow breaking news out of new york: where the fire departme 50 this is cbs 5 breaking news. >> we're continuing to follow breaking news right out of new york. this is a live picture right now where the fire department now says 30 to 50 people have been hurt in a commuter ferry crash. we're hearing one of them critically injured. again, live pictures from lower manhattan. you can see emergency crews are on the ground right now at this makeshift triage center where you can see a lot of the victims on the ground. they are being put on those gurneys and being put into ambulances to be taken to the hospital. this happened about 5:45 our time. witnesses say this ferry is the c street ferry. it must have been coming at a
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pretty high speed and then it just banged right into the dock. this is during rush hour as it arrived in manhattan from new jersey and we just talked to gayle king, and she said that there was a cbs employee on the dock when the crash happened, who said that a lot of the victims were on the dock, standing on the dock. not necessarily on the boat. >> it looks like a lot of neck injuries, maybe some broken bones, that kind of thing. but that ferry must have been coming at a good rate of speed to knock everyone off at the pier. we are going to continue to follow this. you can follow it on our website, right now we are going to get a last check of traffic and weather. >> big changes coming our way for today. we have clouds already rolling in outside. temperatures a little cool 30s and 40s, some dense fog in the east bay valleys. i think by the afternoon, a chance of showers. and some much cooler temperatures today. this the beginning of big-time changes. tomorrow morning we could see snow down to about 1500 feet
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but it will be sporadic. definitely chilly highs only in the 50s and 40s. tomorrow looks like warming up slightly on friday. a little warmer over the weekend, liz. >> if you are about to head off now for your morning drive, no major hot spots but the delays continue to build over at the bay bridge. metering lights have been on for almost an hour. so it is stacking up towards the foot of the maze. elsewhere, san mateo bridge looks quiet both directions across the span. you can see some of that fog though in the distance. it is impacting the morning commute. visibility is going to be an issue in parts of the east bay. and speaking of the east bay, here's a live look at 880 at 66 near the oakland coliseum flowing nicely towards downtown. >> thank you, liz. and be sure to stay tuned because "cbs this morning" is coming up. we'll have the very latest, they will be live on what's going on right now in new york with that ferry hitting the dock. >> have a great morning. captions by: caption colorado
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good morning to our viewers in the west. 2013. welcome to "cbs this morning." gun control supporters intensify their efforts as the vice president goes face to face with the nra. plus new jersey's tough talking governor chris christie is here in studio 57. lance armstrong is accused of witness intimidation and attempted bribery. the man who caught him doping speaks for the first time to our scott pelley. and air travel alert, new problems with the boeing 787 and we'll meet the san diego zoo's new panda cub. we begin with a look at today's "eye opener" your world in 90 seconds. >> we look forward to hearing from a variety of organizations who have insights into this problem. >> reporter: the white house


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